Monday, October 18, 2010

My Point of View From a Mud Skipper

What a boring day! Honestly you are lucky you're not a mud skipper like me. All we do is skip around on mud all day, every day. See how boring that must be. Hey whats that? Look, a crab!   Yummmm food! numm numm numm that tastes so good.  Where were we, oh yes I remember. I was telling you how boring it is to be me, well a while ago my ancestors - OK my great grand parents, were attacked by a group of your species, humans or something like that. Some were killed, others just badly injured the rest of us have been praying since that they won't come again, because who wants to be stepped on? Ouch it must hurt, especially because they're so tall like giants. Wow why is the ground moving? whats that noise? whats that?.......

It's here our worst nightmare. Hey Mark come here, prepare everyone we're going to earn our territory back with WAR. That's right even if it means the worst. Every one ready I'll take that as a yes ATTACK... yes Baylee go get into his boot and suck his feet that will show him. Noooooooooo there goes Bob squashed just like that silly fish. Maybe I can make friends with a crab and he can get his friends to nip some of them. Hey you yeah you can you get your friends to... Ally why did you eat him OK plan B every one hide and yes panic, head for the hole. Watch out for that boot, scatter left and right forward and backward. Dive into the mud hole quick...

Have they gone? Look at that only six of us were killed and three injured. Oh well there is more of us alive, one hundred in our community. We should probably clean our homes from fallen mud, some will have to be repaired because they were stood on. Hey look over there what is it? I think it's a boot that they left behind, that's rare! Lets dig a hole and put the boot in and have it as a base for if they ever come again because it looks well protective, so less of us will die. So while me and my family and friends are repairing our village I bid you farewell and one day we will meet again goodbye.

Ally why did you eat the poor crab

Mudskipper me and my fammily

Me and my family before the great war