Thursday, November 18, 2010

Collaborative Literature Circle

What are The Benefit of Working with a Partner?

One benefit to working with a partner is that if you are doing something wrong, like when you are working on something, you might not see that it is wrong but your partner, who is not working on it can see what you are doing that isn't right. Like for example, your passage might not be the most important thing, infact it might be the least important thing in the whole book and there is a way more important passage right infront of your eyes that you couldn't see but they could. Another reason - a partner is a good thing to have when working on literature circles. Your partner can give you feedback on things that might effect your grade like,your partner may have written a very large response to the question and you might have written a tiny response, so your partner can help you undestand how you can improve but not only the response but how you interpret the actual question. Your partner could help you to make your question more interesting like for example "Why did the snow stop Milly getting food" you could change it to say "What effect does the snow have on Milly and how she is living?" This will make the reader more interested in what you have to say. Last but not least, you can BRAINSTORM with your partner and get more ideas than you could get on your own and then you will have a wider range of ideas that you can choose and put in the literature circle to make your literature circle the BEST in the whole world or just in your class and you will get full marks!

What Are Some of The Challeges with Working with a Partner?

One challenge with working with a partner is letting them down, because say you were to leave the assignment until the night before it was due, your partner may feel realy bad like you haven't done enough work and they might feel you let them down and worry that it is going to get them a bad grade. Also if you did leave it to the last night something might happen like there is a huge thunder storm and your house got hit by lightning or maybe the power goes off and you cant use the computer, If any of these things were to happen, you will get a bad grade for sure because you wouldn't even have your work for a start and your teacher might feel you don't work well with a partner. Another challenge is if you are working with someone you don't get along with you might have a hard time communicating with each other.

New understanding about the Novel

I have learnt that working as a team is much better than working alone, even when you are being rejected by others you have to keep trying to be accepted. It is better to collaborate with others than try to go solo. In the novel Julie (Miyax) realises that sometime things happen and you have to let others help you like when Jelo stolle her pack and she was hungry, Kapu brought her a leg of caribou to eat and she repaid him by cooking it and giving him a little, this shows that sometimes you have to let others help you and not just think you can do it on your own.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What role did geographic resources play in the the development of Malaysia?

One of the important reasons Malaysia is wealthy is because of where it is located and how much trade it gets from other places. Every day countrys like Malaysia have stocks from all over the world being shipped in and also gets put on an aroplane and flown over here, but other places like small islands don't get big ships with lots of differrent things on them passing by. Another thing about Malaysia is where it is located. Big ships pass by Malaysia on the way to Singapore and when traders pass by to get to the pacific ocean they stop to here take a break and then they can trade. Malaysia is most popular for palm oil and is making a lot of money from it. When you fly in to Kuala Lumpur if you look out of the window of the aeroplane every direction foward backward side to side every hill that you can see is dominated by big palm trees which that traders use to trade for other important supplys like wood. Palm oil seems like it is doing a big benifit to Malaysia but the truth is it's not! To plant palm oil they cut down all the other trees and cut down all the animals like lizards and monkeys homes away just to plant the palms but, nothing under them can grow so they are killing the undergrowth and the wildlife that lives in the lush undergowth. In time I hope the MalaysianGovernment will see what damage they are doing to their own land and I hope they will se how gready they are being because at the endd of the day they only plant it to get lots of money. Traders still plant palm oil because they are getting a lot of money and goods from it. Another reason Malaysia is so wealthy is because like most countrys Malaysia started to farm instead of just gathering.

Along time ago back when people were gathering they werent as wealthy because they relied on the animals for food but when people began to farm they could domesticate animals like sheep and cattel to stay in the fences and do as they say they could also get the fatter ready for them to eat also it helped them raise them for their own purposes and didn't have to move and follow where the animals went and try to catch them which turned out to injur or kill one of the members of the comunitie. Instead they could relax and settle down in one place and build housses this has also effected how long we live because farming has allowed us to live longer because we don't get injured by the wild animals. We could also be well protected from harsh weather in houses that were made out of bricks and tree branches that we had time to build because we werent following the wild animals this was very important because if we didn't have houses we would be still be living in caves which wouldn't keep many of us happy esspecially girls we don't like to camp and living for many years in a smelly dirty cave would be tourcher.

So Malaysia is wealthy mainly because of where it is located - the ships passing by allow trade but also the Malays started farming so they live longer and don't have to live in smelly dirty caves.