Thursday, December 2, 2010

Learning Profile

Profile L - ok, so I'm profile L. Most of the things it says about me are true, like I'm good at sports and I like to fiddle with things while taking in information. I don't think I learn best when I am sitting on my own without other students next to me because I feel that having other students around me makes me feel like I have someone there to talk to if I get stuck, or if I run out of ideas, like say we were thinking of ideas for a story. I might not know what to write and one of my friends can give me an idea of what would sound good. Even though it says that sitting on my own is a benefit, I strongly disagree, I think I learn best when I am in an environment where other students are around me to support me. I also feel I learn best when I have something to play around with like a pen or a pencil, so I can fiddle with it while I am thinking of ideas.

Being an L profile I do not perform well when under stress, therefore I can't stand it when the teacher is saying ten million different things all at the same time and then asking us to do a work sheet or reflection on what she just told us - it puts pressure on me and I dislike it a lot. In my head I am saying "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY? I didn't know what you said you were talking in a fast pace languge". I think every now again I need to just take a deep breath and try to process what is happening in the class and pay more attention to the words coming out of the teachers mouth. I feel I need to relax more and not try to do everything at once.

When Mr. Whiting came to talk to us in class he told us a few exercises to help us concentrate when under stress. I think drawing lazy 8's on the desk will help me when I am learning. I also think that if I can't think of what the answer is on a test, then getting up and walking around may help me to relax and take time to think. Possibly drawing on a peice of paper may help me feel not so stressed, also if there was some nice calm music in the background then it may help me concentrate.

I would like my teachers to know that under stress I will not perform as well as I would if I was relaxed and calm. If my teachers would let me have a peice of paper next to me during a test so I can doodle on to make me feel more floaty and not so squeezed up together, like a rubber band tied tightly around a plastic bag, then I might be able to get the correct answer more quickly. To all my teachers - if you try to say to many things at once I will not get anything you said and if I look like a frozen tub of ice cream looking at you like I just saw a ghost, then it might tell you that I didn't understand anything you said!!!!!