Tuesday, August 31, 2010

What do the artifacts tell us about the lives of early humans?

Artifacts show us how the early humans lived, where they lived, when they lived and what they were like. Artifacts such as cave art tools are made of sharpened stones to sculpt and engrave objects and cave walls. The paint brushes used to create the cave paintings were believed to be made out of moss, fur or even hair from a human. To make the softer texture on the cave paintings for the horses winter coats they may have also blown through hollow bird bones. Scientists believe that the paints were made by grinding minerals into powder and then mixed together with animal fat or vegetable oil to make different colours.

The prehistoric spear found in France, had a leaping horse on the top of it, scientists believe that it could have been a good luck charm for the hunter to protect him or her while they were out finding food or it could have been a symbol that represented the clan it belonged to. The artist had carved hundreds of tiny dashes on the horses head so it must have been very important to the clan. It is ten inches long and is believed to be made 18,000 years ago.

Another artifact found are two bison clay sculptures in France they were sculpted from gold coloured clay it could be that they show the cave belonged to a certain clan or it could be that they were part of a coming of age ceremony held inside the cave. The scientists think they were made about 10,000 to 14,000 years ago.

Artifacts are really interesting because they help solve mysteries of the past and are records of important events.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

I would like to be an archaeologist...

.... because they can tell us what happend in the past by looking and dating artifacts that they  dig up or find.  I would enjoy searching through hidden caves and tombs to uncover sparkling treasures. In the tomb of Tutankhamun there were lots of golden treasures buried with him as the Egyptians belived that they needed to take their wealth with them into the next world.

This is the first sighting of the mummy of Tutankhamun

 I think it would be cool to be an archaealogist because I would get to travel all over the world to many exotic places which not many other people get to see. It would be really exciting to trek into a jungle and find a secret that has been hidden for trillions of years.

Uncovering a new site would make me famous like Howard Carter in the 1920's who discovered the tomb of Tutankhamun. Or I would like to be a famous archaeologist like Indiana Jones in the movies, he was a cool guy!

The site of The Valley of The Kings Tomb of Tutankhamun

Monday, August 9, 2010

5 adjectives to describe me

  • Bubbly
  • Caring
  • Sympathetic
  • Kind
  • Honest

my favorite vacation memory.....

...... is when my family and I travelled up North in New Zealand we stayed at Doubtless Bay and went to swim with the dolphins.

The one social goal I have for this year.....

..... is to make new friends but still keep my old ones

The one academic goal I have for this year.....

....... is to always turn my home work in on time

The last movie I saw

The last movie I saw was Nanny McPhee and the big bang it was a very funny movie that made me laugh. The funniest part was when the pigs jumped in the pond and started to do synchronized swimming. I did'nt think it was as funny as the first one though.

The Last Three Books I read

The last thre books I read was The Owl Who Was Afraid Of The Dark bye Jill Tomilson, The Cat That Wanted To Go Home also by Jill Tomilson and Vicky Angle By Jaqueline Wilson. The owl who was afraid of the dark is a very sad book about an Owl named Plop He is a Barn Owl who is afraid of the dark. The cat that wanted to go home is about a cat that fell into a basket of a hot air balloon and went on an adventure. Vicky Angel Is about two best friends.

About Me

Hi my name is Fifi I am a middle school student at ISKL. I am British but have lived in Auckland, New Zealand for six years so I consider myself a Kiwi. I love animals I have pets around the world I have a horse that is sort of mine called Twinkle she is brown with a white stripe down her head she lives in England with my cousin Molly, well Twinkle is kind of mine Molly bought her but she said she can be partly mine. I have a cat in Malaysia called Coco she is originally from Java but was born in New Zealand. I have a dog called Billy in New Zealand he is an amazing dog he understands every thing he is a black Labrador but we think he was crossed with something else big.