Tuesday, January 25, 2011

City Connections Reflections

UMMMMMMMMM okay we made power points on the country we came from Personally I would have rather done it on Justin Bieber or Cody Simpson and how awesomely cool they are but, doing a presentation on a country that I have lived in was actually pretty fun. We have done may presentations but I think that this one was definitely in my top 3 but then again doing a power point on a famous person would be fun but that will never happen because I mean it's humanities not celeb research! (ha ha ha)

What you believe you did well on the project?
I think that what I did well on my project is I had lots of pictures for every slide and they were clear and the right picture for each topic and I think my information was clear and I had a good amount on every slide and the information was useful and meaning full, and I also think I had good eye contact and a clear loud voice and made sure my audience was interested in what I was saying.

What you would improve for future presentations/projects?
I think I could improve on making my information more detailed and well explained I feel that I waste to much time looking at pictures and getting distracted by other things like emails and videos on YouTube about the Auckland sky tower and don't take a lot of time focusing on the stuff that needs to be shown on the final product. To many distractions make an very unfocused Fynnola. I feel also that my layout on slides don't look very neat sometimes I didn't even notice that my pictures were overlapping my writing. So I think that I should take a bit more time on the way my PowerPoint looked.

What did you learn from your preparation (for your presentation) in addition to the presentations of others?
Making the power point about New Zealand made me realize and learn more about my country like I found out that Auckland is New Zealand's largest city but it has never been the capital. I hope that my class mates learnt more about New Zealand and found out some good informational facts, I also hope they realized how NZ people really love rugby and seeing the Hakka even if Richie McCaw's picture did make him look like a crazy person the Hakka is still really cool. I also learnt a lot about other people and where they come from.

What is your analysis of your performance?
I really think that my presentation overall was pretty good as my I used eye contact and I had a loud voice. I also think that if I focus on getting my facts and not getting distractions I could have the best presentation in the world, or maybe just in school, or just in 6A okay lets just say the best presentation I could ever do! :)

P.S All teachers reading this please consider a day when we can do something on cool famous people. JUTS KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Years Resolutions

One of my new years resolutions is to not give up to easily and if I put my mind to something I will keep trying until I can ecomplish my goal. My second resolution is to keep my room and school locker tidy not so messy that I can't find anything. I will be proud of my self if I can accomplish both these things this year.

Over the years I have given up to easily on things like once I was making a thank you card for my friend and tryed to draw her a picture of a dog but gave up because I kept making the dogs head look fat and decided to trace a dog from a photo once I gave the card to her I felt disappointed in myself because even if my dog did look a bit strange she probaly would still have loved it. This year I am going to set a goal to never give up and keep trying to get better at things and maybe by the end of the year I will be able to draw the best looking dog in the world (or maybe just the best out of the things I can draw).

WOW my room is always a mess there are cloths every wear on the floor and if I just open my cuboard door and step into it I swear I could get lost in there for a thousand years. My locker at school isn't any better there are loose papers every wear and I can never find the right books, once I was getting ready to go to math when I realized I had my science book instead and had to run back to my locker to find the right book. Today my mum and I cleaned my room and organized everything hopefully I will be able to keep it that way by when I get somthing out I put it back wear I got it from so that way I can always find what im looking for!

Over the christmas brake I went to New Zealand and had a blast me and one of my best friends made a music video of a bunch of Justin Bieber songs that followed a story we also went on a three day holiday up north to Russell and had so much fun we went on a boat to see the dolphins and went through the hole in the rock. With my other best friend we found a picture of justin Bieber jumping in the air and tried to do the same thing but it didnt really work.