Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Years Resolutions

One of my new years resolutions is to not give up to easily and if I put my mind to something I will keep trying until I can ecomplish my goal. My second resolution is to keep my room and school locker tidy not so messy that I can't find anything. I will be proud of my self if I can accomplish both these things this year.

Over the years I have given up to easily on things like once I was making a thank you card for my friend and tryed to draw her a picture of a dog but gave up because I kept making the dogs head look fat and decided to trace a dog from a photo once I gave the card to her I felt disappointed in myself because even if my dog did look a bit strange she probaly would still have loved it. This year I am going to set a goal to never give up and keep trying to get better at things and maybe by the end of the year I will be able to draw the best looking dog in the world (or maybe just the best out of the things I can draw).

WOW my room is always a mess there are cloths every wear on the floor and if I just open my cuboard door and step into it I swear I could get lost in there for a thousand years. My locker at school isn't any better there are loose papers every wear and I can never find the right books, once I was getting ready to go to math when I realized I had my science book instead and had to run back to my locker to find the right book. Today my mum and I cleaned my room and organized everything hopefully I will be able to keep it that way by when I get somthing out I put it back wear I got it from so that way I can always find what im looking for!

Over the christmas brake I went to New Zealand and had a blast me and one of my best friends made a music video of a bunch of Justin Bieber songs that followed a story we also went on a three day holiday up north to Russell and had so much fun we went on a boat to see the dolphins and went through the hole in the rock. With my other best friend we found a picture of justin Bieber jumping in the air and tried to do the same thing but it didnt really work.

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