Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Time I Saw Bullying

At my old school I was in the locker room changing for swimming and one student was changing in the toilet, a bunch of other girls were there and they decided they wanted to have some fun and play a few tricks on her. They completely ignored me standing there observing them and went up to the door where the student was changing. One of them noticed part of her underwear was sticking out from underneath the door she pulled it out and held it. The student shouted for her to give it back but they didn't, instead they took it outside and showed every one her underwear and to make matters worse was that all the boys were out there. I was left standing there almost paralyzed not knowing what to say or what to do so I left the locker room and went outside leaving the poor student crying in the bathroom.

I think if I saw this happening again I would go up to the girls and tell them to give it back to the student or I would go to the teacher and tell her what they did and see what would happen from there. This year at ISKL I am going to stand up for myself and others if they are being bullied and I will try to make ISKL a safe and happy place for all students to be!

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