Saturday, April 9, 2011

The White Mountains LETTER............

Dear Mum, Dad and all my family in Wherton....

I am very sorry for leaving you and running away but I had to. Please keep reading this letter as it states why I left you and it shows my apology it also will tell all I have learned about life while being away from home.
Well I am in the White Mountains why you ask well it was because of, yes the capping, and a man I met called Ozymandias he is very nice so don't hate him for convincing me to leave, anyway Ozymandias told me that he knew I was worried about the capping and he told me how I could get out of it. I could runaway to the White Mountains where there are no Tripods and be fake capped so that I would not have to be controlled and live under the rules of the Tripods, instead I would be free and no one would know. Ozymandias himself has been faked capped, along time ago he took a cap of a man that was dead and placed it on his head with the help of his friends they maneged to stick it on so that it look as if he was capped but it did not harm his brain. This is what I am going to do as I do not want to be capped. Do not try to come and stop me as it will be too late because the journey takes forever.
Science I have been gone I have experienced many different types of culture for example on my way to the White Mountains I stopped and a place called the red castle it was lovely there and if I had stayed I would have had a nice life but of course I couldn't stay there because if I did I would of had too be capped. Well when I was there I met a lovely girl called Eloise she was so nice I won't tell you about the whole love story but anyway she was going to be sent away to serve the Tripods and never to return, when she told me this it opened my eyes to the fact that I don't want to be capped and live a un-free life I want to be free. Being free is one of the most important things in life as you can do what you want but no one in our family has spoken out against the capping but that is about to change as I hope I have got my point through to you all because I am not afraid to stand up for what I now is right and nothing shall stand in my way!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again though I am very sorry for leaving you all but I can't sit around being controlled and not having anything to do about it.

Love too you all form Will.

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