Monday, February 27, 2012


On November 9th 1938, 191 synagogues were burned and 30,000 Jewish people were rounded up, and put into concentration camps this was all part of Kristallnacht. Shops of Jewish owners were smashed, the windows broken and things sold in the shop stollen. Gustav Mark was a victim on the night on Kristallnacht, he owned a butcher shop it was destroyed on this terrible night and he was arrested later by Nazi troops and was put in a concentration camp, all because he was Jewish. This all took place in Germany. Adolf Hitler, Nazi troop leader, was part of the reason this happened because he had something against Jews.

Hitler was scapegoating the Jews because everything that seemed to go wrong in Germany he blamed on the Jews which influenced other Germans to hate them to. For example on November 7, 1938 A seven-year-old Jewish boy Herschel Grynszpan, who was living in France, was angry and frustrated by his inability to help his family living in Germany because of this he marched into the German embassy in Paris and shot a Nazi Official. The Nazi Official did not die that day but to days later, and this made Hitler's followers decided they wold blame it on all the Jews in Germany. Joesph Goebbels, Hitler's minister of propaganda, held a press conference the next day saying it was not a government action but a "spontaneous" expression of Germans not being happy with the Jews. However they did not do anything to stop it.

Learning about this event has shocked me deeply I had no idea that back in the 1930's this had happened. It is hard to take it from reading handouts and look deeply into it however in class we listened to a lady called Sonia Weitze, a survivor of the whole time of Jewish people being blamed for everything. She wrote poems about when she was in concentration camps and listening to what happened to her made me really upset on how cruel the Nazi's were. I hope this never happens again as it was a shocking time in history.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

What did The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas Teach me?

The novel The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas is a heart warming book about lies and secrets. In the book the protagonist, Bruno, is very curious to know what is over the fence because he does not understand what is so awful about it. This book taught me that in the eyes of a child things are misunderstood. Children such as Bruno don't know why Shmuel is an enemy and he can't see that his father are doing bad things to the Jews. It led to me realizing that difference in a little child's eye does not change anything because with friendship there are differences and friendship is stronger than hate!

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Profile K

Last year when we took the profile test I was profile L which meant my right side was dominant but we we took it again I am now K however it was only my eye that switched sides to being left dominant. Being K means that as a learner I benefit from sitting on the left hand side of the room so my left eye can see easily. Being able to have access to art music and dance movement also can help me to focus more during class and drawing on the side of a paper while listening helps me take more information in.

When under stress I will tend to not remember details and lose he ability to reason well. I will also start to feel very overwhelmed about things. These things comes from me being gestalt but good strategies for a gestalt person to learn better is to learn time management, make lists and making sure I finish what I started.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Be led by your dreams not by your problems....

The original quote i took this snip from was "Don't be pushed by your problems, be led by your dreams" I think this quote is really amazing because it really explains how without dreams in your life, you will be pushed by your problems into doing things you don't want to do.... BUT if you have a dream to become a doctor or lets say you have a dream to be in the Olympics then don't let some one force you to stop your dreams because you have the power to say where you want to go in life and without dreams no one would be happy. This quote will be something i will live by for a long time because I think that it is a very strong and true statement and I hope my friends and family agree with me when I say this quote is deep and inspiring.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


This blog post is all about my year in sixth grade but before I start I have one thing to say... "I am really going to miss 6 grade whaaaaaaaa" OK I'm finished now lets get on.

What piece of work and learning are you most proud of?
I am most proud of my Diary that we did in humanities we had to be someone in Ancient Egypt and I was a dancer so then we had to write 3 diary entries and make it into a cool diary. I would say though I am rather proud of my growth in lit. circles because when we first started them I was not happy with them they were really dull and boring but throughout 6 grade I have found that I have improved on a lot of my work and I am very proud of myself not just my work.

What were your greatest challenges?
One thing I found challenging this year was math but again I have grown and gotten better at it but I know it will be a weakness that I need to work on as math dose not come easily to me like it does to other people but I accept that and the fact is I know I can be good at it if I try my hardest and not give up on things to easily.

Reflecting on your growth this year, what did you learn about yourself as a learner?
As a leaner I have found the best thing for me is to not rush things. If I rush things then I normally get every thing wrong or make silly mistakes that I wouldn't normally make if I was slowing down and taking my time. I also found that for me I need to listen harder than most people but only so that I get it and some times I do have to read the question again and again so I get what I am doing.

To evaluate your work habits, choose 1 of the following from each category ( and provide explanations):

a) Behavior

Could be improved
Perfect - the model student

Explanation: I think this because I do talk a lot most of the time so I miss things but I ma nice to my peers and I respect everyone.

b) Participation

Actively participate in class

Explanation: I participate in all my classes and am always ready to share my ideas with others.

c) Organization

Needs serious help
I'm super organized

Explanation: I am organized most of the time but in P.E I sometime forget my hat when we are on the field and it is very important to have a hat so we can all be sun safe.

d) Effort

Needs serious help
I always go above and beyond what is required.

Explanation: I do try and put a lot of effort into my work put not enough but this will be one thing I shall work on when moving to 7 grade.

Based upon your reflections, write two personal learning goals for Grade 7 next year.

Goal 1 - In Grade 7, I plan to for one thing be more organized and keep my locker more clean so that I can always find what I need when I need it. I think being organized is a very important thing in school because that way you will always know what is coming around the corner like homework wise.

Goal 2 - In Grade 7, I plan to take more pride in my work. I will make my work look more presentable and pretty to look at and make sure I am using flowery words to make my work more interesting to read and not just have something that is totally of topic.

Is there any more information about yourself that you would like the teachers to know?
The only thing I think teachers should know about me is that I do care a lot about animals and people and if you every need to be cheered up then I will smile and smile until you do :)

Finally, cast your minds back to the first few months of middle school (when you arrived in Grade 6 ) what "Words of Wisdom" or "Advice" could you pass on to the Class of 2018?
OK I have 3 words for them.....

what ever you come across use this to never give up because everything is possible even flying (well sort of)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The White Mountains LETTER............

Dear Mum, Dad and all my family in Wherton....

I am very sorry for leaving you and running away but I had to. Please keep reading this letter as it states why I left you and it shows my apology it also will tell all I have learned about life while being away from home.
Well I am in the White Mountains why you ask well it was because of, yes the capping, and a man I met called Ozymandias he is very nice so don't hate him for convincing me to leave, anyway Ozymandias told me that he knew I was worried about the capping and he told me how I could get out of it. I could runaway to the White Mountains where there are no Tripods and be fake capped so that I would not have to be controlled and live under the rules of the Tripods, instead I would be free and no one would know. Ozymandias himself has been faked capped, along time ago he took a cap of a man that was dead and placed it on his head with the help of his friends they maneged to stick it on so that it look as if he was capped but it did not harm his brain. This is what I am going to do as I do not want to be capped. Do not try to come and stop me as it will be too late because the journey takes forever.
Science I have been gone I have experienced many different types of culture for example on my way to the White Mountains I stopped and a place called the red castle it was lovely there and if I had stayed I would have had a nice life but of course I couldn't stay there because if I did I would of had too be capped. Well when I was there I met a lovely girl called Eloise she was so nice I won't tell you about the whole love story but anyway she was going to be sent away to serve the Tripods and never to return, when she told me this it opened my eyes to the fact that I don't want to be capped and live a un-free life I want to be free. Being free is one of the most important things in life as you can do what you want but no one in our family has spoken out against the capping but that is about to change as I hope I have got my point through to you all because I am not afraid to stand up for what I now is right and nothing shall stand in my way!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again though I am very sorry for leaving you all but I can't sit around being controlled and not having anything to do about it.

Love too you all form Will.